Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I want to say to all that I hope today is the beginning of many new friendships and blessed relationships repaired! I pray blessings on all you who I know and those I don't yet know!

Do you ever feel like you are being talked about, gossiped about, and/or just the only topic on people's conversation list? Why is that? Guilty complex? Worry and self-doubt? Or is it the truth? Are you being talked about and prayed for and at the top of discussion for people?

I think we all feel this way from time to time! I pray you are well-talked about and built up, not tore down and misunderstood! I pray that when you are thought of and spoken of, that it is with gentleness and compassion, not slander and misunderstanding!

Blessings on this day of love, love, and more love!!!

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