Saturday, December 27, 2008

He Is Coming To Me!!!!

After much prayer and seeking God, he has decided he needs to come to me!!! Thank you Daddy for hearing my plea! I spoke the truth to Michael and he said he never wanted me to be uncomfortable. He actually stated just the opisite several times! He was trying to figure things out that was the best for both of us! I am thankful he hears God and listens! I found a place for him to stay and I will be there with him and my sister and my dad and my sister's fiance. There will be plenty of supervision!!!! Funny how this sounds, but I don't want any Christian's witness to be compromised when there is a choice of free-will!!! I am blessed by this man and pray for God's hand, direction, and wisdom!

I am excited and yet guarded! If all goes well, he will be here next week sometime! I ask for your continued prayers! Blessings be upon each of you!


Jamie Willow said...

oh good. it just makes so much more sense for him to take the first steps.

ps. don't be offended that I don't "follow" blogs. the only one I do is my moms. no one else. I use a different service to track blog reading and don't want to maintain so many things or it gets overwhelming.

Unknown said...

You are a wise woman. : }